maandag 3 december 2007

It's starting to look like something!

A week without blogging and the place has really come along. I was at Nyenrode for 2 days for an internet marketing strategy masterclass and while i was there, the kitchen has been delivered and made to fit. What a dark grey beauty it is! It could have easily resulted in another case of big ill-managed expectations, like we had with the floor (which now doesn't look that yellow anymore strangely enough...). We had no idea what the colour was going to look like seeing as how we picked out the colour through a little 2*2cm sample. But this time I was really gladly surprised. It looks terrific, even better than we had imagined.
This weekend was spent painting walls and covering the kitchen from top to bottom in plastic.... as if we were giving it to someone as a present for Sinterklaas ;-) All in all, we're making progress. Ooops, almost forgot. We did have some minor stress on saturday. Apparently the upstairs neighbours (could have been any one of them) had a flood because all of a sudden drops were coming off one of the beams above our brand new kitchen... yikes!!!! And at midnight, while we were still wrapping the kitchen and drinking Champagne from our wine fridge, our downstairs neighbours knocked on our door and asked us if we had installed something. Apparently our suction system that we installed does suck like a monster when it is on level 3. It was blowing into their appartment through their air system... Yikes again! So I guess we will have to be carefull with our powertools :-)

1 opmerking:

Gerben, Merel en Joep zei

Hi Marco,
Wat een leuke site! Wij kunnen wel wat verbouwingstips gebruiken voor ons eigen huis :-) Hebben je meteen gelinkt aan ons eigen blog.
Wellicht zien we jullie rond Kerst in Adam?
Groeten, Gerben & Merel